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Fremantle City Football Club

FCFC Vintage


Uniting History, Passion, and Ambition

Welcome to Fremantle City Football Club (FCFC), where history, passion, and a shared vision converge to create a soccer experience like no other. Our journey began on December 9, 2014, when Fremantle United Soccer and Recreation Club Incorporated (FUSC) and East Fremantle Tricolore Soccer Club Incorporated (EFSC) joined forces. This marked the inception of FCFC, a symbol of unity that brings together over a century of combined history.

A Legacy of Unity and Excellence

Our story is one of the convergence of two storied clubs coming together to forge a new path. The legacy of FUSC and EFSC lives on within FCFC, resonating through the players, supporters, and members who embody the essence of our club. With more than 100 years of collective dedication and love for the sport, FCFC stands as a testament to the power of shared heritage.

Fremantle city FC

Purpose and Goals

The initial goal of FCFC was to cater primarily to players in Fremantle and its surrounding coastal suburbs within a 15 kilometer radius. These players sought to compete at the highest levels within Football West structured competitions.


On September 14, 2016, FUSC and EFSC parent clubs agreed to form the Fremantle National Premier League (NPL) Football Association Inc. affectionately known as “The ONE Club.” This association streamlined operations and unified efforts, providing better opportunities and facilities for all members.

A Vision of Growth and Unity

At FCFC, growth isn’t just an idea, it’s a reality we’re actively shaping. We set out to be the largest footballing membership base by the end of 2017, a goal within our grasp. The growth isn’t just numerical, it’s a reflection of our community’s deep-seated connection and shared vision.


Moreover, FCFC is a trailblaser, pioneering a model that unites multiple clubs under a single association while preserving individual team identities. As the first club in Australia to adopt such an innovative approach, we’re forging a new path for the sport we love.

FCFC Tricolore
Fremantle United Soccer

Join Us on Our Journey

As the sun sets on history and rises on ambition, we invite you to become a part of the FCFC family. Whether you’re an aspiring player, a fervent supporter, or someone seeking a community united by football, there’s a place for you here. Fremantle City Football Club is more than a club, it’s a legacy, a community, and a future we’re building together.

Join us in shaping the future of football. Welcome to FCFC - The ONE Club.